Teaching Evaluations
College faculty legislation requires departments to evaluate their teaching. This can be by either:
- Online evaluation (Fall 2023): Available to students beginning at noon on November 27 through 11:59pm on December 7.
- Online evaluation (Spring 2024): Available to students beginning at 12:01pm on April 29, through 11:59pm on May 10.
- Paper evaluations: should be completed in the last week of classes, and must be collected in ways that preserve student anonymity. The instructor should not collect them, and the instructorshould not have access to teaching evaluations until after final grades are submitted.
Final Exams and Other End-of-Semester Exercises
- Final Fall exam schedule
- Final Spring exam schedule
- Final exam and related policies
Deadlines to Enter Grades
Fall 2023 semester grades must be submitted viaFaculty Center. Grades are due at 8am on Friday, December 22.
Spring 2024 semester grades must be submitted viaFaculty Center. Grades are due at 8am on Tuesday, May 28.
If you are not submitting your own grades, be sure your department office has your grades in time to meet the deadline. If you are unable to submit your grades by your department’s deadline, please contact the Arts & Sciences Student Services Office(as-studentserv@cornell.edu).
Grading Process
Per university regulations, grades must never be transmitted via e-mail.
The Fall 2023 grade roster will be created on Wednesday, December 6. The first partial grade post will be on Monday, December 11.
The Spring 2024 grade roster will be created on Wednesday, May 8. The first partial grade post will be on Monday, May 13.
Grades are entered into the grade roster inFaculty Centerfor each student individually, or multiple grades may beuploadedfrom an Excel spreadsheet.
The Grade Roster status shouldneverbe changed. If the grade roster status is changed to "Ready for Review" you will not be able to enter any more grades. If you accidentally change the status to "Ready for Review," please e-mailas-studentserv@cornell.eduto have the Grade Roster unlocked.
Please assign everyone on your grade roster a grade.
When assigning a grade ofINC (incomplete) or F (failing) grade,you must also complete the on-line reporting formfound hereby the grading deadline (see above).Choose the “Failing & Incomp” tab at the top of the page to search for an individual student or filter (using “more options”) to find your class roster and complete the appropriate form.
A grade of Incomplete (INC) may not be given merely because a student fails to complete all course requirements on time. An Incomplete is only permissible when two basic conditions are met:
- The student has substantial (normally > 50%) passing equity in the course, e.g., all requirements have been completed satisfactorily except for a term paper or final exam.
- The reason(s) for failure to complete all course requirements is convincing to the instructor and beyond the student's control.
This policy is in place to prevent abuse; deferring the completion of some major course requirement could give a student an advantage over his or her classmates by obtaining additional time to do a superior job. The option of an incomplete is purely an instructor decision, and may not be elected at the student’s own discretion. Any student making up an incomplete should not sign up for the class again. On the incomplete form that must be completed inOLGAA, the instructor will be asked for the following information:
- Reason for issuing an incomplete
- Work that remains for the student to complete
- The percentof the course's work that is outstanding
- Tentative grade for course work completed to date
- Deadline for completion of the remaining work
- The outcome if the student fails to complete the required work (either change to F/U, provide a grade based on completed work, “freeze” the incomplete).
An R is a temporary grade and must be assigned after the first half of a two-semester course. The grade assigned at the end of the whole course is the final grade for both halves.
The college accepts grade changes only when you explain that the original grade was assigned in error. It is not permissible to allow a student to complete a course or hand in additional work after you have submitted a grade for that student; you should not change a grade simply due to pressure from a student, unless the grade you assigned was wrong. (See theFaculty Handbook 6.1 Instruction/Grade Changes) If necessary, refer students to the Arts & Sciences Student Services Office(as-studentserv@cornell.edu). Official grades canbe changed by usingOLGAA, the On-Line Grade Adjustment Application.